Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Using Food the Right Way: Making It Healthy All The Way

The quality of food you take in your house all depends on how well you prepare it. Considering you are the chef in your house, it is good to make sure you do not feed yourself or your family to destruction. Below are three tips to guide you in making health a routine in your home:
  1. Minimize on fats, sugar and salt

    This does not mean your food should not have flavor at all. In case you are baking, use half the amount of butter you would have used. Applesauce (unsweetened) or mashed potatoes can replace the other half. Fat replacers that are prepared commercially could come in handy as well. To boost or upgrade sweetness, sugar is not necessary. Spices like cinnamon, vanilla extracts and other flavoring spices can replace the sugar. Foods like salads or main dishes can have the salt reduced or removed completely. Baked stuff that does not need the yeast can have the salt reduced. Reducing salt in foods that need yeast is not necessary to allow for leavening.

  2. Substituting healthily

    These substitutions help in boosting the amount of nutrients and lower the fats, salt, and calories in your recipes. In case you want to prepare pasta, consider whole-wheat and not enriched. This will help in that the calories will go down and fibers up. When preparing desserts, consider using milk that does not have fats, which lower the calories and fats at a great degree. Intake of meat, poultry products and fish should be reduced and substitute with veggies in casseroles. Moreover, you will have added more of fiber and other nutritional values.

  3. Reduce ingredients used

    Cutting back on ingredients when it comes to some recipes can bring out a healthy meal. Ingredients that act as toppings for appearance purpose should be eliminated. Examples of these include cream and coconut toppings. Condiments contain a lot of salt, fats, and calories. They should therefore be eliminated from the recipe. Examples of these include butter, soy sauce, and syrup. If you are required to use a certain amount of cheese in a given recipe, make sure you use have the amount indicated.
Finally, recipes are at our display but how well you juggle with the ingredients depends entirely on how healthy you want your meal to turn out to be. When you hear that a small leak can sink a great ship, do not think of the titanic but rather of the minute calories, fats and salt that could destroy the big you!

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